Dec 29, 15 • RunningNo CommentsRead More »

12036794_1655327291349804_6143857727465826184_nThey say that a picture values as much as 1000 words. A picture can say everything about marathon ar even about an 100K ultramarathon. Most of the pictures need no words to be explained. They say everything from pain to happiness or inner peace.

Sometimes… only through a picture you can realize that under the pain and the pressure a runner feels during a race there is accomplishment, strength, there is patience and hope, there is the simple joy of running.

I had really hard times in many running competitions during 2015. There were battles and struggles. Not always I’ve had the power to smile, but I have never thought about giving up.

I’ve made a photo gallery of my running most all over the here. It’s called Best of Running 2015! Enjoy!

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