They say that a picture values as much as 1000 words. Running during 1 year offers tones of great moments, captures and memories. Here are 12 photos which speak for themselves:
A big THANK YOU to all the photographers!
They say that a picture values as much as 1000 words. Running during 1 year offers tones of great moments, captures and memories. Here are 12 photos which speak for themselves:
A big THANK YOU to all the photographers!
Felicitari pentru un an plin de maratoane si concursuri de alergare! Mi se pare impresionant ca ai gasit pentru fiecare luna din anul trecut cate o poza reprezentativa cu tine alergand la un concurs. 🙂
Iti doresc un an nou in care sa iti bati propriile recorduri!
Multumesc Mihnea! Mi-a facut placere fiecare alergare impreuna si discutie! Sincer sa fiu, mai am prrgatit inca un rand de imagini (una pentru fiecare luna).